Selasa, 09 Januari 2018

Diabetes FoodsA Realistic Approach to Diabetic Menu Planning

Diabetes FoodsA Realistic Approach to Diabetic Menu Planning

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If you are diabetic, you must learn all about the food for diabetics and how to incorporate the same in your regular meal plan. One of the best ways of treating diabetes is by controlling your food intake; it helps in relieving the symptoms of the condition. It is imperative to know what you must eat and what you must avoid when you are diabetic.

Scientists have cited that in the next two decades the global rate of patients with Type 2 diabetes would be twice the present number, which indeed is alarming. It is only through a proper diet for diabetics that you can actually control the condition and relieve yourself from the diabetes symptoms.

Ideally a diet containing higher amounts of fiber and lower amounts of fats is what is recommended for a diabetic patient. One has to cut out saturated and trans fats from their diet and also reduce the use of sugar and sweet foods. Saturated fats include animal fats like lard, butter and cheese, cream, chocolate and milk.

Foods for Diabetics - What You Can Eat

A diabetes menu can include adequate portions of carbohydrates. However, there is a measured portion for every individual which is better recommended by the doctor. Carbohydrates are the valuable sources of energy, minerals and essential vitamins. It provides you body with healthy fiber as well that helps in maintaining the blood glucose levels. Peas, beans, barley, oats and other foods belonging to these groups are loaded with fiber. You can include whole grain products like bread and some diabetic cookies for the purpose. These foods are very much a part of the regular American diabetes diet.

You must include a lot of vegetables in your regular diabetic diet plan; vegetables are the perfect foods for diabetics. You can include a wide variety of vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, spinach, cucumbers and cabbage. You can have them raw as salads or cooked with very little oil.

Fruits are good foods for diabetics as well, but as they contain natural sugars it is better to choose fruits with caution. Although diabetics need at least 2 servings of fruits regularly, you must avoid canned fruits as they are packed with sugary preservatives. Instead you can have whole fruits.

Proteins are a must for every diabetes meal. You can include lean meat, tofu, peanut butter, egg whites, fish, poultry, nuts and bans as some of the richest sources of proteins.

Foods to Avoid

There are certain foods that diabetics must not take. If you want to control the rising and falling blood glucose levels, you have to be strict about what you are eating.

1. Carbohydrates as stated above are good for diabetics when eaten in moderation. However, there are certain carbohydrates that you cannot eat, such as corn and potatoes. They are harmful.

2. Fruits are not recommended for diabetics due to high sugar content. Although natural, sugar has the same effect in any form. Less sugary fruits should be chosen in this respect.

3. Milk and milk products are strictly restricted, especially full cream milk. The skimmed version should be fine if taken in moderation.

4. Sweets and fats are better avoided. They have no nutritional value and they only add up to your tension and anxiety and increasing blood glucose numbers.

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